Home Cleaning to Prevent Allergies

Home Cleaning to Prevent Allergies
Allergies arise in all sorts of places. The latest studies have shown pollution to be a major cause of allergic reactions. Contrary to public perception, there’s actually more pollution in the home than there is outdoors. There are several causes, but simultaneously plenty of ways to fight them. Here are a few spots in the home that you can clean up in order to reduce your susceptibility to allergies:
Air Conditioning & Heat Filters
Air conditioning and heat filters are configured to extract bacteria, pollen and dust lingering in the air. These filters need to be replaced regularly. Always follow the instruction manual elaborating how to maintain and replace them correctly.
Ceiling Fans & Blinds
When ceiling fans gather dust and dirt, the rotating fan re-circulates the particles into the air. Blinds placed on the windows gather dirt as well as dust particles. Ceiling blades should be wiped down and the blinds cleaned on a weekly basis. Window shades also serve as a viable alternative to blinds and require less maintenance.
Stone & Tiles
Soil builds up rapidly on the surface of stone and tiles. Mould and mildew thrive in the bathroom and toilet because of moisture. This is especially true on surfaces that have binder due to its porous nature and tendency to host fungus and bacteria. Use sealant to create additional protection for the rooms that are used most. Grab recommended chemical products to remove dirt from these surfaces while you’re at it.
Carpets & Seating Materials
We use our chairs and couches every day. If you opt to clean them between scarce intervals, particles of dust and dirt will accumulate swiftly. Look for chemicals that preserve the fabric. This will stop dust and dirt from accumulating so much on the fibres. You’re better off vacuuming weekly. It’s also recommended that you utilize professional cleaning services at least once per year. They’ll ensure dirt and allergens are removed from your furniture and carpets effectively.
Keeping Pets in the Home
Pet allergies are fairly common these days – which is a shame as puppies and kittens can make the difference between a home. People looking to start a family should consider making a pet part of the family beforehand, as studies have shown children growing up around pets are less likely to have allergies in later life.
Rugs & Wooden Floors
There’s a common misconception that carpets aren’t as clean as bare floors. Dirt and dust particles settle on wooden or tiled floors because they’re flat and hard surfaces. These particles are then swept right back into the air and dissipate into other areas of the house.
You could use a doormat or rug, particularly in locations of the house characterized by high volumes of traffic. It pre-empts the movement of dirt and dust from one part of the house to another due to their absorptive properties. Make sure to clean your doormats or rugs occasionally to keep them effective. The best materials to use are wool and nylon. Finally, when you hire professional cleaners, remind them to clean your rugs and doormats as well.